Meet the Team



Marin residents and lifetime locals, Kara and Max, have unrivaled knowledge of the best that Marin has to offer. With a shared love for their community and backgrounds ranging from design to commercial real estate Development, they offer a unique and unmatched personalized service.

Consistently top agents in the county and the nation, our Marin agents help clients from around the world through every step of the buying or selling process with unmatched elegance and execution.



Born and raised here, going back a total of seven generations in the San Francisco Bay Area, no one knows San Francisco like our city agents, Paul, Cristian and Holly. It takes a unique skillset to understand the varying markets of each neighborhood in such a diverse city, but our city agents are always in the know of latest sales, homes, and market trends, and are consistently ranked at the top in their market.

From first-time home buyers, to seasoned investors, to clients from overseas, we’ve helped people of all demographics achieve their San Francisco real estate goals.


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Known for their discretion, uncompromising quality, and an elite level of service, the team of Applegarth+Warrin has assisted with the buying and selling of the San Francisco Bay Area’s finest homes.

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